What Food Is Good For Weight Loss

We are often bombarded with so many different and conflicting ideas on what foods help us lose weight. As an expert in sustainable weight loss, my philosophy is to keep it simple and experiment with foods and drinks that you enjoy that will help you lose weight. Below I have included what food is good for weight loss. But be clear on what it takes to create more healthy eating habits. 

When changing any habit, it helps to have it visible. Out of sight out of mind, in sight, in mind! So, make sure you click HERE and download my Quick Food Guide that not only has a printable one-page comprehensive list of foods, but also a printable Healthy Plate Guide to stick to your fridge. New Habit Visible – Tick! 


Great Food for Weight Loss

Healthy Fats 

Your body loves fuel from healthy fats. Recent research is showing more benefits like increases in metabolism, cognitive function and even your mood from including healthy fats in your meal. Apart from that fat just tastes good which stops you from feeling deprived when you are on a weight loss journey. 

Some examples of healthy fats are avocado, oily fish, nuts and olive oil. Even though dietary fat has improved its rating with the medical world, overdoing healthy fat, or eating more than your body requires for fuel will not aid in weight loss. 



Your body also loves this fuel, and it helps you feel fuller for longer as well as support your muscle growth and repair.

Some examples are beans, seeds, meat, seafood, nuts and cheese. Once again, The Printable Quick Food Guide has a more detailed breakdown of foods in each of these categories. 



Think more along the lines of whole foods like grains (oats, quinoa and rice), and don’t forget vegetables are carbohydrates! Reduce the number of processed carbohydrates like pasta and bread. They play havoc on your bodies hunger hormones. These are the hormones that let you know when you are hungry and satisfied. 



It keeps you fuller for longer and is good for your gut health. Not all of the fibre from fibrous food is absorbed by your body. It passes through your body and out the other end (that is the nicest way to put it). 

Some great fibrous foods are leafy green vegetables, pulses like chickpeas and kidney beans, seeds like chia seeds, oats, fruit (but not juiced!). 


Creating Healthy Eating Habits

Long term weight loss where you don’t have to keep yoyo dieting is about making small changes that you can continue for the rest of your life. You might feel an urgency to lose weight so you can feel better about yourself right now, but in my experience being in a hurry, mostly ends with people using restrictive and punishing eating and exercise regimes. These types of regimes are not enjoyable or sustainable and usually see people quitting on their goal and feeling like a failure.


You may think that going on a crash diet is the answer, but what you may forget is that when you get to your ideal weight and switch back to ‘normal eating’ the pounds will slowly creep back on. Your ‘normal’ way of eating led to your previous weight. The weight that you were not happy at. So, if you don’t want to continue with the yo-yo dieting approach or continue listening to that negative self-talk that often comes with this approach, choose to do it differently this time.


Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Start small and build new eating habits that you enjoy and provide great energy and fuel for your body. It is amazing how great you feel physically and mentally when you start to fuel your body in a way it loves.


I was where you are and my starting point was reducing the sugar in my tea from one teaspoon to half a teaspoon, to no teaspoon. It was something I could fully commit to that helped me build the relationship to follow through on myself. The way I eat, the way I feel about myself now, and the way my body looks and feels is very different to when I started out. But it all started with small changes that have all led to big results.


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If you are curious about the program or want to know if weight coaching is a good fit for you, schedule a free no-obligation call or email me at rebecca@rebeccagoodacre.com


Have a beautiful day

1 thought on “What Food Is Good For Weight Loss”

  1. Pingback: How to Stop Reaching for Sugary Snacks - Think it, Live it, Love it

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