You may have some resistance to writing down what you will eat as part of your weight loss process. You might think things like, ‘I am too busy to plan’, ‘I like to be spontaneous’, or ‘How will I know what I want to eat tomorrow?’. These sentences are your primal brain preventing you from making a commitment to yourself. They allow for sneaky sentences such as, ‘just a little bit please’ or ‘just one won’t hurt’.
But ‘just one’ on a regular basis, WILL hurt your weight loss goal. It provides you with an ‘Out’ to the commitment to lose weight. ‘Just one’ is you cancelling on yourself and your goal. Planning helps prevent you from cancelling on yourself and using will power alone to consistently make good choices when it comes to food.
Planning doesn’t have to take time. It might take you up to 15 minutes for the week, or less if you choose to plan 2- 3 days of the week. Planning puts your smart brain, the part of your brain out for your future wellbeing, in charge. Let’s face it, change is uncomfortable, but it is a short period of discomfort. It’s like going from changing from a manual to an automatic car.
My clients find planning saves them time with shopping. It also helps with unwanted negotiations like ‘I want it, but I shouldn’t have it’ while standing at the petrol station staring at the chocolate bar row, strategically placed at the counter. My clients discover that when they plan, they feel like they are looking after themselves which feels great. Over time it becomes easier to plan, and you discover meals that you will fall back on that you enjoy, help you lose or maintain weight, and feel good in your body. Planning CREATES time, it doesn’t take it away.
Planning gives the brain direction and uses the wisdom of your prefrontal cortex in the planning. Planning does not have to be bland and boring. In fact, when you plan, plan foods that you know you enjoy, that also align with your goal of weight loss, instead of grabbing food on the go that does not serve your goal.
So, give planning a go. Don’t knock it till you try it, so they say. If you are resisting writing a plan, be curious as to why. Is it an excuse that your primal brain is offering you to stop you having to create change or make the commitment to lose weight? Is your brain providing you with excuses, so you don’t have to plan and experience the short-term discomfort of getting used to a new routine? If that is the case, I want you to call yourself out on your truth. Would you rather have the discomfort of writing a plan because it feels different to what you normally do, or the discomfort you currently have of weighing more than you want to and not feeling good in your own skin?
Oh, one more thing… when I say write it can be with a pen or create a plan on your phone. Experiment with what works with you. I have a template that I share with my clients to fill in however they wish.
If you are ready to make the commitment to lose weight and become the best version of yourself, contact me to find out if coaching is a good fit for you.
Have a brilliant day.