If this is not your first rodeo when it comes to weight loss, you might be a little resistant heading into the ring. Your brain and emotions are the two major factors in how much weight you will lose and for how long. The type of diet has nothing to do with it. I want to share with you 5 tricks to make losing weight easier, that are not dependent on the diet mentality.
5 Tricks to make losing weight easier
1. Don’t think about food all day.
If you count points or focus on reading every label you will spend more time thinking about food. The aim of my program is to reduce the amount of time you think about food and spend more time creating joy in your life aside from food. If you want a more in-depth synopsis on calorie counting to help you make an informed decision on this, click HERE for my blog outlining the pros and cons of calorie counting.
2. Experiment with foods that you DO enjoy that are good fuel for your body.
Don’t stick to the strict diet eating foods that just leave you feeling deprived or with a burning desire to steal the lady’s chocolate muffin at the table next to you. Change the focus and experiment to find food you and your body love. You can do this gradually. You don’t need to be a bull at a gate.
3. Plan what you will eat in advance and make the plan visible
Creating a new habit is easier if you enlist the prefrontal cortex, or what I like to call, your adult brain. Making it obvious and visible gives your brain direction and stops the toddler part of your brain from throwing a winning tantrum and succumbing to the chocolate bar at the petrol station, or that 8.30 pm ice cream while you sit down and watch a bit of Netflix.
4. Be kind to yourself if you make a mistake.
You have a human brain and there is nothing surer than you will make mistakes. Don’t make it mean something terrible about you. Keep going and be your biggest cheerleader. Do it differently this time… just keep going. You will become more consistent over time. Become aware of the mean girl (or boy!), chat in your head and tell her that her opinion is noted, but you are choosing to treat yourself differently now. You can do this, and you don’t need to be perfect all of the time!
5. Get an accountability partner or a coach
If you choose a friend, be careful not to fall into the compare despair mindset if they are losing more weight than you are. Long term weight loss is not about losing weight quickly. It is about creating habits that you can do for the rest of your life. Think more tortoise than the hare! Choose someone who will be supportive and motivate you.
To make losing weight easier you will want to intentionally build the relationship you have with yourself. This work needs to be done from a place of love and compassion, not judgement and shame. You might not feel love and compassion right now, but it is essential in making long term changes. It requires a mind shift, and the benefits of this shift will flow into other areas of your life. You deserve to feel better, you deserve to be in a body that is lighter and to fit into those beautiful clothes that make you feel amazing.
If you are fed up with the diet rodeo, want some accountability or are just curious about how weight coaching can support you schedule a free no-obligation call or email me at rebecca@rebeccagoodacre.com
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